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Disease Models

Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome

Kunming, China, June 29, 2023

KBI has a large colony of obese NHP models readily available for the needs of research services. 

We routinely evaluate anti-obese efficacy with a wide range of tools including the following techniques:

·  measurements of caloric intake and body mass index (BMI) 

·  quantification of body fat composition with dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA and iDXA) 

·  measurement of ectopic fat accumulation with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)  

·  molecular biomarkers (such as adipokine mRNA expression) from fat biopsy in the area of interest

·  profiling of different subtypes of obesity, including central vs subcutaneous obesity, “leptin sensitive” vs “leptin resistant” obesity

·  biopsy of fat tissue for the assessment of adipose browning

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Fig 1. Quantification of fat distribution of monkeys by iDEXA at KBI.

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Fig 2. Profiling of obese monkeys into leptin sensitive and leptin resistant subtypes at KBI.

Further, we have successfully provided successful services for the evaluation of anti-obese drugs with associated diseases at different stages including:

·  dyslipidemia (including triglyceride, cholesterol, LDL-C, HDL-C and lipoproteins) 

·  pre-diabetes, diabetes and diabetic complications (such as diabetic chronic kidney disease)

·  non-alcoholic fatty liver disease 

·  cardiovascular disease (such as hypertension and heart failure) 

Contact us if you need more information.

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